You, the petitioner
Polish 20200814 181903073

Include calorie counts on restaurant menus

7 signatures

Have you ever been in a restaurant, stressed out, not knowing how many calories are in the food that you are about to eat? In some countries calorie counts have been added on restaurant menus. we also want to make this happen in the netherlands.



Dutch and foreign citizens, athletes and anyone else who cares about their health and body


establish that:

A lot of people are suffering from obesity, eating disorders and they have health problems as a result of not knowing what actually they are eating in restaurants.


and request

Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Hugo de jonge to help us achieve our goal which is adding calorie counts on restaurant menus to give people the right to choose what is good for them.

Sign this petition

We e-mail you a link to confirm your signature. Your data will not be shared with third parties and remains with the Stichting Your name and place of residence will only appear if you choose this. Read more about this in our privacy statement.


Addressed to:
Petition desk:
Closing date:
Lead petitioner:
mohammad ebrahim alavi abkenar 

